How To Give Your Man The Biggest Gift Of All In 2022/2023 (The Chance To Achieve Greater Success)

We’ve all heard the saying that behind every great man there’s a great woman. Let’s leave the semantics surrounding the word behind, well… behind us! This saying does not mean that the woman behind a great man does equally great things herself. It means that the woman behind a great man was/is great at fulfilling her (God-given?) role to be her man’s success muse and his “kickass” goal buddy.

You are welcome to laugh at that last bit. But being your man’s success muse and kickass goal buddy is a great achievement in itself, because 90% of women, maybe more, never do it – or they fail miserably at it.

Now, before the information age some women succeeded at it – out of luck, out of intuition, or from learning the ropes by observing a parent who did it well; or a role model.

But this is the information age and any woman should be able to learn the ropes quickly and do this magic like clockwork. The information is all over the place.

This is the goal behind the ideas in this post and this book gift pack – to help the average woman out there who still cares for her man to learn the said ropes, FAST.

We are not saying that our solution is the only way there is to learn the ropes of becoming your man’s success muse and kickass goal buddy. But the info in these three books will give women everything they need to know to get really good at fulfilling that role. There may be other books out there, maybe even books that teach these concepts better, but we haven’t read them.

Let’s get to it… In the image below you have Phillipe Petit walking a tight rope across the Twin Towers. That was way back. Why do men (and boys) do this stuff?

great gifts for men

We’re giving you these examples upfront because they will help you get the big picture faster – and possibly give you epiphanies – as you read further.

The Big Idea

The information age is also the age of the solopreneur. For most men (and of course for some women) solopreneurship is solo (as in solitary) in every sense of that word – when it need not be! For the men at least, their women can become a source of inspiration; they can become their refuge from despair and humiliation; they can become their source of strength.

This has been the world order for millions of years and we evolved differently to make this partnership work like a charm, and to ensure the survival of mankind against all odds. Men and women are different at a very basic level because of this. 

But now the world order has changed. Following the COVID Crisis, and even before, men are working at home. It could be that in some homes the woman “goes to work” and leaves the man behind, “working from home.” No semantics, remember.

Here’s a joke you may or may not have heard. It’s another example that may give you epiphanies…

“One night a wife found her husband standing over their baby’s crib. Silently she watched him.

“As he stood looking down at the sleeping infant, she saw on his face a mixture of emotions: disbelief, doubt, delight, amazement, enchantment, even skepticism.

“Touched by this unusual display and the deep emotions it aroused, with eyes glistening, she slipped her arm around her husband. 

“A penny for your thoughts,” she said.

“It’s amazing!” he replied. “I just can’t see how anybody can make a crib like that for only $67.50.”

A dollar for your thoughts on what the woman expected to hear…

According to one of the books in this gift pack, men evolved to be “lunch-chasers” and women evolved to be “nest-defenders.”  Those two roles call for different skill-sets on both sides. At a deep subconscious level we still operate like those early hunter-gatherers – and, according to science, this is not going to change for another one million years at least!

Our first book in this gift pack will show women what to do with their men that those early hunter-gather women did so well to guarantee our survival – and to propel the unbelievably fast and humongous success of mankind, relative to the other creatures. The ideas have been refined of course for modern times.

Note: If you’re not doing these things for your man that this first book shows you how to do, he has most likely stopped sharing with you the thoughts, feelings, and ideas that are most important to him regarding his success quest. Let’s see…

Does your man share his thoughts and problems, his past, his business or career goals, and his success dreams with you? Or he finds it easier to confide in others – women he works with, or his closest male buddies?

If your answer is no, or you’re the tiniest bit unsure on this question, then you’ve neglected your roles and alienated him where it matters most on his quest to achieve greater success... 

gifts for husband 2022

Fascinating Womanhood

According to the author of this book, some men show their love by working hard, but the wives don’t always see it that way. In this internet age many men can relate to that.

“Sometimes a man has to work long hours to build up a business, or get out of debt. He may put all his energy into his work and neglect the house maintenance for a time.”

In this post-COVID economy, a lot of us are going to find ourselves in these sorts of situations and dilemmas, both the men and the women, but according to this awesome book, 

“Life is full of humiliations for every man.”

But, “…a man who is admired and praised, especially by his wife, grows in confidence and nobility. There is a ready smile to his face, and a spring in his step. He holds his head high…your man needs your admiration more than he needs your love. Few women know this great truth.”

What women will learn:

  • The #1 secret to a man’s success drive and why behind every great man, there must be a great woman
  • Ways how to ensure your man grows in confidence and nobility. Leverage your God-given powers – and become a successful, happier person yourself – by causing his confidence and self-esteem to soar in a way that arouses his energy, and his success drive.
  • How to find qualities in your man you never knew existed… and what to say to him – and how – to make him feel more manly and worthy of success
  • What to do to get your man to confide to you his deepest and innermost thoughts… know what his most cherished goals and dreams are so you can position yourself to become his cherished (kick-ass?) goal buddy and his success muse. If you can get him to open up to you this will arouse his deepest love.
  • How to help your man overcome his doubts, his detractors, and his self-limiting beliefs. If you have gotten him to confide in you, this puts you in a power position because two heads are always better than one. 

One HUGE side benefit of doing all this for your man is that you could help your man discover his core strengths and abilities, his hidden talent, or his passion. Women tend to know their men better than the men’s mothers know them, and better than the men know themselves. And like Oprah Winfrey said; 

“If you really want to fly, just harness your power to your passion.”

Enough said.

Warning: This book received a bad rap when it was first published. Feminists almost killed it. Here’s our plea… suspend your disbelief like you’re reading a novel. The good ideas and insights will jump out at you as you go. Take what appeals to your reason and intuition.

Women report positive results who have followed the advice in this book…

“I have learned some new tips that I have already implemented in my marriage and have seen results…”

From Chris: “I've learned more about my husband and how to have a happy marriage in the first chapter of this book than in my 28 years of feminist indoctrination combined. I also appreciate that this book is written from an offense vs defense perspective…” Read full review.

From MamaHawk, it was surprisingly effective and helpful: “The author is truly unexpectedly wise in ways I did not anticipate…  I took certain pieces of advice and found great success.” Read the full review here.

From Sierra: “I love this book. It is so perfect for married women and singles ladies... The chapters on understanding men changed my life. This book is priceless. I already see the changes in my relationship.” Click here to read her full review

gifts for him

Why Men Don’t Listen And Women Can’t Read Maps – Why We’re Different And What To Do About It

With the first book above alone, the average woman should be good to go towards becoming her man’s success muse and his fantastic goal buddy.

But we don’t do things by half measures at Gift Mojo. This next book is highly recommended for both men and women because it really helps improve communications between the sexes. You will be able to see why those hunter-gatherers became so successful through leveraging their diagonally-opposite communication preferences, and how you can leverage these insights to get along swimmingly with your partner or spouse.

Our communication preferences are different; men and women. So, for the woman who still cares for her man and wants to help him become more successful, knowing a man’s communication preferences puts you miles ahead of the pack. This should also greatly improve your relationships with the other men in your life, and with boys (for the parents and care-givers).

The book is designed from the ground up to be an entertaining read. The authors intersperse the book with interesting insights and factoids, such as:

“Seventy-four percent of working women and 98% of non-working women name the biggest failing of their husbands and boyfriends as a reluctance to talk, particularly at the end of the day.”

“It's important for a woman to understand that if you want to be convincing or persuasive with a man, you should present only one clear thought or idea at a time. The first rule of talking to a man: Keep it simple! Give him only one thing at a time to think about.”

“Men can either speak or listen – they can't do both at once.”

This is an iconic book; we can’t begin to give you all the wonderful insights it covers. But it will help you make sense of all the great advice that the author of the first book in this gift pack gives, because you begin to see the science behind it, and why it has worked like a charm for thousands of years to get us to where we are.

best gifts for husband 2022

Five Major Pieces to the Life Puzzle (or The Keys To Success)

This post has gotten to be too long already, and many readers at this point will be looking to click away. Before you go, here’s a quote by Jim Rohn, from this very book we’re looking at next. He said;

“There is little difference between someone who can’t read and someone who won’t read.”

And therein lies our next big idea. To become your man’s success muse and goal buddy it helps a lot if you know the principles of success yourself. This could mean reading stuff on your man’s behalf, because, let’s face it, many people don’t like to read much. And there’s too much to read already.

Reading will make you sharper than the hunter gatherers, but that’s not the only reason why we’re recommending this book. When you understand the principles of personal success that this book teaches, not only will you use them to motivate your man better, you can use them yourself to become more successful in many areas of your own life – and happier too. A happy person is a better buddy.

The other point is that we are all better at finding fault with others than we are at finding fault with ourselves. This means you will be in a better place to see it when your man is not following sound principles of success.

But first you must know what these principles are yourself.

We can’t recommend this book enough. And to take pity on the people who are looking to click away, let’s keep this short…

One of the biggest areas where you can help your man become more successful is getting him, reminding him subtly (the first book gives you proven strategies to do this), to do the small things that pay big dividends in the long run. According to Jim Rohn, “the things that are easy to do are also easy not to do.”

He wrote:

“The primary reason most people are not doing as well as they could and should can be summed up in one word – neglect.”

It is not lack of money, it is not lack of books, it is not the lack of schools, or the lack of teachers or counsellors and leaders. 

But success muses and kickass goal buddies? There is a lack of those, BIG TIME! 

A woman who wants her man to become more successful can do this by getting him to do the little things that are easy to do that they are given to not doing. Jim Rohn gave the example of the old adage that goes, “Eating an apple a day will keep the doctor away.” He poses the question;

“If this quotation is true, why don’t more of us eat an apple a day – every day – to maintain our health? If it is that easy, and there is such a tremendous reward attached to this discipline, why do we not do it?”

Because the things that are easy to do are also easy not to do.

This book will show you the little easy things we should all be doing to become successful in all areas of our lives. When you know these things and are routing for your man, then you can do your kickass-goal-buddy magic and he’ll keep doing them like clockwork. 

You are smarter, friendlier, and more motivating and empowering than the reminder apps on his smartphone. Also, your voice is sweeter to him than the alarm clock. Nothing beats kickass! 

Here’s a quote for you: 

"You may not realize it when it happens, but a kick in the teeth may be the best thing [to motivate you to keep doing the things that you don’t want to do, but which make others successful]." ~ Walt Disney. 

One last word… SHARING is caring. A lot of work (and care) went into the writing of this post. Not complaining; we enjoyed writing it! But this means we want it to reach as many people as possible. If it struck a chord with you, share it with friends on social media. Share buttons are just below.

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